In a previous post we talked about the tree permit requirements for tree removals in Grants Pass. In this post we’re sharing some information from the city of Grants Pass about Street Tree Planting Guidelines. Below is information collected from the Cities website about Street Tree Planting.
Planting Distances Guideline
To reduce the likelihood of future issues with infrastructure, newly planted tree trunks must be planted no closer than the following distances from specific infrastructure:
- 20-40 feet from other trees (depending on tree canopy spread)
- 25 feet from intersections (or stop signs / traffic lights)
- 20 feet from streetlights • 10 feet from water meters/lines, sewer laterals, gas meters, stormwater inlets, and fire hydrants
- 5 feet from utility poles and the edges of driveways
Tree Quality and Planting
- One “central leader”
- Tree crown and trunk must be free of defects and true to form. No topping or coppicing the tree.
- Measure the caliper 6 inches above the root flare.
- Width of tree bed must be at least double the width of the rootball
- The “root flare” must be at the grade of the surrounding soil, or slightly above. Do not plant the tree deeper than this. If a tree is planted too deep, it can kill the root system. Trees planted too deep look like telephone poles sticking out of the ground.
- For “ball and burlap” trees, remove the top two-thirds of the wire or twine basket after carefully placing the tree in its bed. Then, peel back the burlap. Scrape some of the compacted soil from the outer edges of the rootball. Make sure there are no circling roots.
- Add coarse organic mulch, such as wood chips, over tree bed. Mulch layer should be 2- 3 inches thick. Do not let the mulch touch the tree (form a “donut” around the tree with the mulch and soil). Width of tree bed must be at least double the width of the rootball.
- You may backfill with existing soil. If texture or quality is not suitable for the tree species, replace with appropriate topsoil. Also consider the addition of organic amendments like biochar, compost, and mycorrhizae.
Optional: You may add tree stakes and arbor tie if you choose. They are not required. Stakes should be 8 feet long with 3 inches diameter. Drive stakes 2-3 feet into the ground, but not through the tree’s roots. Make sure to remove the stakes and arbor tie after one year.
Transplanted trees typically require 10-gallons of water per week for every inch of caliper. For a 2-inch caliper tree, slowly pour 20 gallons in the tree bed each week. During very hot months, water twice a week. (In the winter, reduce watering frequency from weekly to monthly.) After 3-4 years, your tree should be established and able to obtain most of its water on its own.
What trees are allowed to be planted?
It would be important to familiarise yourself with the trees species that are allowed and prohibited. You can see a full list of these on Grant’s Pass Approved Street Trees webpage.
Questions about Tree Care?
We understand the challenges and concerns that come with maintaining a healthy and safe landscape. Which is why we are committed to guiding you all the way, to make your space look beautiful and feel safe once more. Contact us for tree services in Grants Pass and the Rogue Valley. Contact to to Schedule a Free Onsite Inspection!